Bringing new insights and control on climate change impacts on erosion
from satellite remote rensing downto catchment bassin sediment load.
PI: Antoine Lucas - Optical and RADAR remote-sensing, landslides dynamics
Geochemistry Team: Eric Gayer - Cosmogenic | Julien Bouchez - River geochemistry
Radiative transfert partner: Stephane Jacquemoud - Radiative transfert of vegetation and bare soils
Observatory partners: Eric Lajeunesse - Obsera observatory leader | Jérôme Gaillardet - RBV observatory leader
Post-docs and students (undergrad and Ph.D) will be involved in the project.
Antoine Lucas, Ph.D.
AIM Case 7039
Université Paris-Diderot
35 rue Hélène Brion
75013 Paris
E-mail: dralucas{-at-}
Phone: +33 157 275 311